For properties advertised from the 2 October 2024 most applicants will have a maximum number of suitable offers that they are eligible to receive. Go to Useful Information to see how many offers you are eligible for. Make sure you are only bidding on properties that meet your needs, so you do not waste your offers.

Introduction of Maximum Number of Offers

For properties advertised from the 2 October 2024  most applicants will have a maximum number of properties they are eligible to be offered through choice-based lettings, before your application is closed and you will be removed from the housing register.

  • If we have told you we have accepted the main homeless duty (Section 193 homeless duty), you have a maximum of one suitable offer.
  • If you are a Lambeth council or Housing Association tenant and the number of bedrooms you are allowed to bid for is smaller than the number of bedrooms in your current home (you are under occupying in your current property), you have no maximum to the number of offers you can receive.
  • If you are a care leaver you have no maximum to the number of suitable offers you can receive.
  • All others will have a maximum of two suitable offers.

It is considered that you have been offered a suitable property when you have been shortlisted and have not been outbid, for example if you decline the property but are second on the shortlist and the person who is first accepts the property, this is not considered an offer as you did not have the opportunity to occupy the property. Had the person shortlisted first declined the property and you were then offered but refused it then this would have counted towards your offers. For an offer to be counted the property must be suitable for your needs, for example it must have the right number of bedrooms, and the right level of accessibility based on your assessed need. If you are offered a property that is not suitable for your assessed need this will not count as an offer.

This introduction of maximum offers applies to offers made through choice-based lettings, on properties you have bid on. If you are made a direct offer of a property your choice will normally be more restricted and the Council may limit the number of direct offers, and there may be sanctions applied if a property that is suitable for the applicant’s needs is unreasonably refused. In most cases the sanction will be that you are only eligible to receive one direct offer of a suitable property. If the property is rejected, you will be removed from the housing register.

The introduction of maximum offers on choice-based lettings applies to all properties advertised from the 2 October 2024.

It is your responsibility to ensure you are bidding on properties that are suitable for your needs.

You can see full details in the housing allocation scheme 2024.